Our Coffee

Characteristics of Our Coffee

Gayo Highland Grade 1, Arabica, Giling Basah (wet-hulled), triple picked.
The quality is ensured by local Q-graders following SCA standards. Since March 2020 we have been certified organic by Bio Inspecta

Wet hulling is a processing method exclusively used in Indonesia, probably in response to the climatic conditions. Indonesian wet hulled coffee can be identified by its dark, bluish-green colour caused by the high moisture content of the beans. This process creates an intense coffee with a distinctive profile.

Wet hulled coffee has more earthy notes than washed coffees, which give it a strong and intense body. Additionally, the Orangutan Coffee is rich in fruity and nutty flavors with a mild acidity.

This combination creates a complex and well-balanced coffee.


Main Note: pecan (nut)
Secondary: plum, cucumber, leafy vegetables
Aftertaste: cane sugar
Acidity: 2/4
Intensity: 2/4
Mouthfeel: creamy, thick


Main Note: chocolate, pineapple
Secondary: almond, dried fruits
Aftertaste: grapefruit, whole wheat biscuit
Acidity: 3/4
Intensity: 2/4
Mouthfeel: rich, smooth